As I'm typing this, my eyes are constantly drawn to a pretty stunning view of Chinatown area from my new office. Despite the rather cramped nature of my workspace, I'm simply delighting in the exuberant creative atmoshphere in my new surroundings.
No more angsty stuffy bitchy lesbians. No more dull-as-yesterday's-milk colleagues who think that mall decorations are so "happening". No more loud ah bengs haggling over the pricing of plywood structures or cheesily blaring tacky polyphonic ringtones from similarly garishly decked out handphones.
Yesterday I saw soemone in the office sporting a Harry Winston for gawd's sake! I've never been so conscious of what I wear to work before in my life hahaha...
In a rather ironic twist, my window looking out from this rather chic steel & glass building overlooks my former tacky office at People's Park Centre. Ha!
Anyway, I'm a little behind the news. I just found out that Albus Dumbledore is gay and I just stumbled across Thio Li Ann's rather passionate speech in Parliament. Good stuff. And here I was just happy that we downed Leotheras last week. (WoW reference, doesn't matter if you don't get it. I'm such a geek)
I gotta say, for all that the Alex Au and Stuart Koe tribe wanna hurl anti-homo labels at Prof. Thio, the woman has some rather compelling points. A huge positive-PR spin was done on her by ST today.
I gotta say, our SPH seems determined to paint her as a lone champion of moral rights, rather Joan of Arc-ish like, while the activitists' camp is looking rather shabby in the public eye. Alfian's email telling her to Eff-off & wanting to pee on her grave didn't help much. Stupid queen. Lol. Stick to writing plays lah.
I do wanna ask all the pro-gay activists out there though, now that the dust has settled and the battle lines are looking faded and rather out of place in the wake of the Govt going "No ass fucking for you", what's next?
It's all nice and cheery to hear cliche lines like "We've raised awareness" or "At least we get to discourse" or even lamer "we're grateful & amazed at the level of support", so what? The law hasn't changed. For all the emotional chest beating and drama, what has changed for the average gay guy in Singapore that wasn't different 6 months ago, or hell, 1 year ago?
I'm just glad I didn't bother to attend some silly rally a friend invited me to. I wouldn't have completed my tier 4 that night then hahaha...