So I finally wasted 53 bucks on the last instalment of the Harry Potter series and yup, J.K Rowling did not disappoint. If the 6th book was trash, the 7th surpassed it.
Before I go on bitching about it, if you are gonna ask WHY do I read it then? Well I can't possibly bitch in the face of the mindless gormless HP fan I meet on the street if I haven't read it first right? I swear the next idiot who tells me in a simpering tone that "oh my hobbies include reading. I read Harry Potter" is gonna get a fucking roundhouse bitch-slap in the face.
J.K Rowling is not an author. She's a fucking soap opera writer. And a bad one at that. Think Days of Our fucking Lives.
Firstly, the entire series has gone to trash after Prisoner of Azkaban. Now why I say after Prisoner, cos' frankly before she hit that stupid reality tv show kinda fame, she had actually written the series up to that point. Yes Prisoner was the last book she had time to complete before she became a celebrity. So she was actually serious about writing back then.
But ever since then, she has taken her writing to a whole new level. Characters are shoved in without a thought, convenient sub plots and storylines are established within a sentence. Glaring loop holes and mis-logic are covered up because she engages in one main and I would say, only form of writing. That of the first person perspective.
Which is such a fucking cop out. Oh she needs something to have happened here but it didn't happen in the previous books! Oh never mind, if Harry doesn't know about it, the author doesn't either and hence you the reader either.
The moment of utter disgust for me came when Harry Potter found Albus Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth.
Who is none other than.. the Hog's Head barman!!! yes, the owner of the very same place that HP & gang chose to have their first meeting of the DA. And how many books it has been since... 3? 4?
And not once was there ever a hint that that was Dumbledore's brother! Cos' why? She didn't think so either! What a fucking cop out!
The rest of the book is utter trash. The whole thing about Snape being secretly in love with HP's mum and all that.. total trite and convenient bullshit. Totally.
I guess that's what you get for writing books in starbucks-like cafes and signing autographs every few mins or so to your hordes of mindless idiotic fans sitting outside watching with bated breath every time you hit a qwerty key.
I can't believe trees were actually killed for this crap. That's the biggest crime of the century to my mind.