Ching Cheong, acknowledged by the Straits Times as their Chief China correspondent, was jailed for 5 years today, in China on supposedly trumped up charges of espionage.
Amidst all the furore of protests and petitions drummed up by his wife, Reporters San Frontiers (Reporters Without Borders), human rights activists in the US and Hong Kong, a resounding silence resonates from the country which is his country of residence and his place of employment offers a mere mewling token protest. Given the outright glee which they handled the NKF saga, their enthusiasm for this particular affair seems quite lackadaisical I think.
But it's not really that surprisingly. A line from BBC's coverage states "The government does not allow any challenge to its authority and keeps a tight rein on the media."
Ouch. But before you think it's a slur on our supposedly fine Republic of Singapore, it's not. It of course infers to the draconian state laws of the communist People's Republic of China, long known for its persecution of freedom-loving right-wing activists and religion practitioners of dubious faiths.
But why I say "it isn't surprising" is because that simple statement is probably heartily endorsed by the Lee regime here in Singapore itself. Reading that, a recent post-election ticking off by the elder Lee definitely comes to mind. :P
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