Every local media is bombarding us non stop on why it's good to increase the fucking MP's salaries, we have our pathetic Teo CH's lame excuses and justifications on how the benchmarks are fair and "transparent", we have bootlickers like Irene Ng and Vivian gagging to praise their overlord to the fucking high heavens non stop, and we have the 147th describing in breathless detail on how our queeny PM "spoke in a choked and emotion-filled voice" to let us know if we don't pay his greedy cohort enough, he might be without a job?!
As if we don't know it's a bloody forgone conclusion already. It was the same with the casinos (call it whatever they want, its a fucking casino at the end of the day!), it was the same with the HOTA & that poor Mr Sim's family issue, it was the same with the GST increase. IT WILL ALWAYS BE THE FUCKING SAME DEAL over and over again so shut the fuck up I don't need to hear any more about it.
But just for good ol' nostalgia's sake, here's ANOTHER exampled on how our idiotic despots have to eat their words over and over again.
"Political entrepreneurs needed for success : SM", 147th The Straits Times, 02 Nov 1994
Qute : "At the end of the day, it is $5 million more. What on earth are we arguing about?"
It was now time to abandon tradition and opt for a new method of paying ministers, he declared.
He predicted that in five to 10 years' time, the benchmark formula would have succeeded and would be accepted as conventional wisdom, just as other policies pioneered by Singapore ministers had been adopted by other countries....
....'There can be no end to this argument. I read what Walter Woon says - let's have a referendum.
"The people at large...Are they in a position to judge? Is it within their range of experience? I have been through this life and had I lived a different life in Lee & Lee, I would never have this experience.
"Because I have gone through this, I say 'do it'. I am in a position to judge.
"I say I am prepared to put my experience and my judgment against all the arguments the doubters can muster.
"In five to 10 years, when it works and Singapore has got a good government, this formula will be accepted as conventional wisdom."
It's 13 fucking years later and your people are still not happy. Our elderly have to work as cleaners in public toilets, pick up cardboard and used cans to make a living, people are choosing to die on MRT tracks every other week because f your outdated conventional wisdom. You were boycotted by Australia's politicians and booed by cohorts of truly intellectual students. You are a has-been so shut the fuck up, Lee Kuan Fucking-Yew.
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