Read this.
"Lawyer Kala Mohan, on the other hand, echoes a long-held sceptic's view — that Singapore does not need a human rights body, for we have good laws already in place."
The sheer fucking HYPOCRISY of it... not to mention the idiocy of which ever freaking toad in CNA who wrote that piece of crap.
Why? Well, apparently I'm living in a country (not that it's any news to me) that manages to ram through a bill allowing casinos, street car drag racing (whatever), bartop dancing faster than one can imagine but when it comes to HUMAN RIGHTS, it treats it like we're talking about buying or building a say, gladiatorial bull fighting ring.
It's a "nice to have", but it might not be "Singaporean". Yes, from the way Singapore speaks of Human Rights, it's like talking about starting a bull fighting culture here. Equally relevant and important. Get it?
So what's gonna happen from here? Our bullshit Government will hem and haw about this for a while, and then quietly shelve it for the next X number of years while it plays it song and dance about having brand new gambling dens and F1 racing, distracting it's citizaens about soaring inflation and CPI rates, lessening returns of CPF, irresponsible handling of our national reserves by Temasek Holdings, lowering of minimum wages due to fucking Foreign Talent.
Oh by the way isn't it sweet irony that thanks to our beloved Foreign Talent 106 people has come down with food poisoning due to Prima Food's embrace of our government's cheap labour scheme? So much for "leavening" our population with foreign "talent". (Sorry, couldn't resist that pun).
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