Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So it came to be that I have 3 major deadlines this week, falling nicely on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday respectively.

These deadlines are major not because I usually don't have any, but the presentations determine my scope of work for these 3 separate accounts for the rest of the year till Mar/ April 2009.

Delivering a brand campaign strategy is not something one pulls out of his ass everyday, needless to say three at one shot. (3 guys at one shot though.. hmmm.. post stress celebration? Hahahah..)

I had a major mental block, partly due to the fact that I had 2 other smaller accounts for whom I had to dedicate my creative juices to as well. Being in the position where I am, it was pretty much expected that I lead and drive the creative processes. Most nights I went home feeling frustrated and returning to work with a heavy sense of dread.

For many days I sat at my desk a work, staring at emails clamouring for my attention and leadership. I gave non-commital answers, missed internal deadlines and basically was being the jerk-ass colleague everyone hates. I was working without direction, was incredibly sulky and just not responsive. The lack of support, emotionally, creatively, whatever-ly, was just not there and I was on the verge of blowing my brains out just to lessen the headache.

Maybe I work best when the deadline is IN MY FACE. Monday night I was hit by a sudden rush of inspiration with regards to my 3 campaigns and I sent out a flurry of emails laden with instructions and directions. I activated the various teams under my lead and sent everyone scurrying for research, background information, current situations, I created templates and workflow sheets. I dictated ideas and processes. I made firm decisions and more importantly, without knowing it, I was delegating my ass off and demanded answers, results and end-products.

I was bouncing off the walls with my burst of adrenaline and in my impatient haste to get the finished results of the orders I sent out, I even rearranged the position of my table in a better orientation within my corner of the office. Within 15 minutes I had a new desk direction and I was settled in sending out replies to emails that came in while I was offline (for 15 bloody minutes!).

"Hey wait", you might say, "Wasn't your first deadline today?". Yes it was and I delivered it with a fresh sense of confidence. The clients took in my proposal, they asked questions, I snapped my fingers and I had the relevant research in my hands. They were happy with the answers I had for them coupled with the assurance that their brand campaign will achieve results beyond their projected goals. It was only later when the client offered to buy my team lunch that I found out, their own HQ called in with news that they were delighted with the initial brand launch I conducted in January and was told to go along with whatever I am going to propose.

I can't express my sense of overwhelmed delight at hearing that. The principal who had given his blessings is no less than a CEO of an international luxury watch brand and it was both gratifying and humbling. Gee I guess he DID read the reports we send over then.

It was also during lunch that the second realisation hit me, alot of it was due to my delegation. I've always worked within very tight work-teams and most of the time, I'm used to running a one-man show. Saddled with multiple teams of people to manage, I had not given much thought to making sure MY work-load is evenly shared out and instead, I ended up biting off more than I can chew.

So I walk away from this a slightly different person than I was last week. I fully understand and grasp the silly folly I made when presented with the challenges and I'm going to make sure I loosen my anal grasp on things in future.

Gotta go now, have got 10 other things to dictate. :P

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