f you are living in Singapore, you would have to be in another dimension if you haven't heard by now the notorious escape of Mas Selamat Kastari, a terrorist who planned to hijack and suicide pilot an airliner into Changi Airport in 2001.
What's laughable about the entire affair is the gargantuan host of mistakes the SPF and it's "boss", the Ministry of Home Affairs made and are continuing to make ever since the local Houdini made his escape.
Here's a chuckle I came across online and shared with a whole bevy of my friends and colleagues. Even as I type this now I hear laughter from various corners of the office.
Simply put, we know this feller is a Houdini as he not only escaped from our very own Whitley Centre but a couple of other prison institutions as well. He must be damn cunning, probably cunning enough to assume a new identity already! Here are some of the possible personas he may decide to adopt.
How many can YOU spot? :P (Picture courtesy of TalkingCock.com )
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