Sunday, September 12, 2010

PA's Surest Guarantee Of An Election Landslide Win

So having caught snippets of that old man, LKY giving interviews of what's it like to watch his wife succumb to sickness despite the best medical care available etc. (welcome to the club old man. been there done that without the luxury of a private SQ Boeing too) and talking like his days are running out and how he fights dementia by hanging around to work (is that why our retirement's age going up? So thoughtful of him!) etc. etc. blah blah and the cynical side of me kicked in and went...

"Wow if this old conker kicks the bucket NOW, PAP's gonna sweep the election polls like hell."

I mean, it's not hard to imagine the scene into should HE die. The past few years we've had previous PAP stalwarts buy the farm and the lines of "grieving Singaporeans" forming to weep and share in the moment have been nothing but gag-and-eyeball-inducing. So imagine the frantic mania and faux hysteria everyone will be whipped into when he goes. After all this is no less than the father figure generations have been misled to solely credit for Singapore's current success.

Honestly, I see the aftermath of his death to be pretty much like what happened after Chairman Mao was declared dead. Only ours will be a whole lot neater, better processed and even with matching commemorative EZ-link cards perhaps.

I wouldn't put it past the wily old man to perform one last kamikaze mission just for his son's regime.

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