My organiser has revealed something totally rare for the day dated 25th February 2008. Somehow I didn't fix a meeting for this day at all. Nada. Kosong. Zero. I'm so happy and yet.. I'm bored...
My rundown of what I have done since 9am today.
9am - Lazily plugged in my laptop, went to get a mug of coffee, chatted about the weekend ("yeah I didn't do anything.. you too huh?").
9.27am - Today's stack of papers was plonked on my side table. I lazily plucked the ones I usually read (ST, IHT, BT, TODAY) and the ones I read when I'm damn bored and I want to laugh at the articles (TNP, mypaper).
10.13am - I'm done reading the papers. Made a couple of catty comments over the top of the papers in my hands and colleagues laughed dutifully. I decide to go for breakfast, diet be damned.
10.17am - I order my fishball noodles with extra fishballs. Spotted a cute blonde-haired beng sitting at the coffeeshop opposite. Gazed wistfully for a while with random thoughts like "do the curtains match the drapes?" kind.
10.34am - I walk to the UOB bank behind my office and did some personal banking. It ain't as interesting as it sounds. Cute security guard though.
10.51am - I am back in the office and I lazily call up CNN.com, BBC and People.com. I glance through some new emails and decide to KIV the lot of them. *Yawn*
11.20am - I decide to blast my latest mp3 download, Stuff Like That There by Bette Midler through my iPod wired to my PC speakers. Am so happy ever since I discovered mp3 shopping online. *Note : Should return speakers since I don't have PC anymore. Shall try the L'Oreal line on the cute IT guy.
11.23am - My mp3 finished. I give putting it on replay some serious thought.
11.24am - I decide to replay my mp3, along with my "Best of Broadway" playlist. I also decide to reply to a random work email for the heck of it.
12.01pm - I just finished clearing 7 emails that called for attention. Something about a diva-induced adrenaline rush I guess. I decide to pop downstairs to buy a glass of iced lychee to celebrate.
12.20pm - I log back to CNN.com to check the Oscar winners. Tilda Swinton won. Yay. Can't care less about the rest. Am surprised Edison Chen didn't win Best Unwilling Documentary. Read more about the disappointing Clinton slump in the polls. WTF is wrong with Americans huh?
12.40pm - I chatted with a client over the phone. Mostly alot of personal nonsense. We really clicked during our $2.5k Japanese lunch last week.
1.00pm - My colleagues are going for lunch. I decline their invitation to head downstairs and take the opportunity to indulge in some SPBIO (Secret Personal Behaviour In Office). What it is? If I tell it won't BE secret right?! Duh..
1.15pm - I log back to People.com and graciously invite their offer to vote on Celeb Hit or Miss's latest. I enjoyed voting "Miss!" on all of Fergie's and Kate Holmes' fashion disasters. I'm a harsher critic than most, hell I even panned Nicole Kidman! But at least I didn't score a dud at all when I voted for fabo Hits. My gay sense never fails me...
1.37pm - I call up the entire Dreamgirls OST on my playlist and log onto Amazon.com to check if I can order the latest DVD box sets. All not out yet. Bloody hell.
2.00pm - I blog this trashy entry.
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